Ber Pakistans ambassadør om hjelp
Norsk Redaktørforening og Norsk Presseforbund har henvendt seg til Pakistans ambassadør til Norge og bedt om at hun bidrar til at TV 2-journalist Kadafi Zaman blir satt fri. «Basert på den informasjonen vi sitter inne med fremstår beskyldningene mot Zaman som grunnløse og absurde», heter det blant annet i henvendelsen fra de to organisasjonene.

Først publisert
TV2-journalist Kadafi Zaman ble fengslet 13. juli mens han dekket demonstrasjoner i forbindelse med sommerens valg i Pakistan.
Brevet ble sendt mandag 16. juli. Her er hele teksten:
Ms Ambassador Riffat Masood
Hovfaret 13,
0275 Oslo
Regarding the arrest of Norwegian journalist Kadafi Zaman
The Norwegian Press Association and The Association of Norwegian Editors are informed about the arrest of the Norwegian journalist Kadafi Zaman in the city of Gurjat in Pakistan on Friday 13th of July.
According to the information we have recieved, Mr Zaman was, as a professional journalist, covering a political demonstration, and merely doing his job, when he was arrested, accused of being a part of the demonstration and for – among other things – trying to kill police officers.
We would like to emphasize that Mr Zaman is a highly respected reporter in the national public broadcasting company TV 2 in Norway. He is – from our experience – very well aware of how he should execute his role as a professional journalist and the importance of not getting involved as a part in any conflict he would cover as a journalist. Based on this acknowlegde, and based on statements from both Mr Ghazanfar Ali at the Kakrali Police Station and Mr Zaman himself, we find the accusations baseless and absurd. We therefore ask You, Ms Ambassador, to engage for the immidate release of Mr Kadafi.
We will remind the Pakistan government that Pakistan has ratified The International Bill of Rights, including articles protecting the right to free speech, wich also includes the freedom of the press and the right to free reporting.
Yours sincerely
Harald Stanghelle, President of The Association of Norwegian Editors
Elin Floberghagen, Secretary General, Norwegian Press Association
Les TV 2s sjefredaktør Olav Sandnes sin kommentar om fengslingen her.
«Jeg var vitne til ekstrem voldelig atferd fra politiet som brukte køller for å stanse aktivistene. I den sammenheng ble jeg angrepet og slått med køller, til tross for at jeg sa jeg var fra pressen», sier Zaman til TV 2